I am also on the Hum Mailing List, and we have a porn page put up.  I'm not on it, but a few people are.  Honestly, it's pretty stupid.  Most of the exhibitionists are guys, and I'm not really into looking at naked men.  However, I'm not all that interested in looking at naked women either.  I have no sexual drive whatsoever.  I think relationships are stupid.
But...ummm...I suppose you can do what you want.  It's not like I HAVE to participate or anything.  I just figured I'd toss my two cents in. 
I belive Darren Cloutier is on this list as well as the HML, so he might have an opinion too...
don't touch my bikini
-----Original Message-----
From: Russ Sweetser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sunday, February 06, 2000 11:29 PM
Subject: [MMouse]: hahah uhm, a strange request

i just got a request from someone on the list to do a Modest Mouse porn
i guess this is a page where the list members flaunt their "goods". hah
anyone interested in such a thing? it would have to be a good split cuz
i would feel kinda weird about hosting a purely male nekkid page.
hmhmhmhm. lemme know

ps pets coming soon.

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