i remember when i was in atlanta they were friggin everywhere, like no 
fucking joke, one per every mile of road.  guess its like pizza places in NY. 
 i dont actually remember eating in one (although i could be mistaken cos the 
only way i wouldve is if i was pretty drunk, and coulda forgotten), but all i 
remember is that the waffle house signs were like skyscrapers, so you could 
do a 360 and see like 2 or 3 thousand foot high, yellow signs from one place. 
 very bizarre.
speaking of too much meat on the menu, dont you hate it when you get french 
toast at the diner and because of how they cook everything on the same big 
skillet it tastes like a hamburger!?  fucking nasty.   
peace.  brian.

oh shit, i actually have a MODEST MOUSE ?uestion...
are there two different types of artwork for 'building nothing...'?
cos mine, that i got in the mail, seems to be different from the copies ive 
seen in stores.  the copies in the stores if i remember had some sort of 
translucent type booklet/artwork.  

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