Ya know, I (who's also been up since the beginning and have thirty-something votes 
even though her boyfriend voted at least twice) have noticed a pattern between the 
girl's page and the boy's page.
Blake was one of the first up on the boy's page, and he was kicking ass right from the 
start. Two weeks later, he still has like fifty more votes than everyone else. And of 
all the rest of them, thee are no clear winners or losers. I voted for, like, 12 
different guys. I guess everybody else did too. 
But on the girls page....
The day a picture goes up, it gets all the votes its gonna get. Its Flavor of the 
Month Syndrome. T hen, the next day, when Hotties C & D are posted, they get 60 votes 
each and everyone stops voting for Hotties A & B. The only accurate way to do this 
would be to erase all record of votes, declare a deadline for entry, and have everyone 
voted on all at once. But that would be work, and this whole thing was suppossed to be 
 Although, I have to say, the pictures seem to be getting progressively better lit. 
maybe we should have all thought about the implications of this early on and just 
taken our photos in Photoshop before we sent them to Russ...


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