dear god has anyone seen this movie before?? i saw it like 3-4 years ago and it left 
some what of an a few years later i see BUFFALO 66 and im amazed by 
vincent it takes a week or two but i remember that he was also in ARIZONA 
DREAM...and i thus starts my search for this movie...and goddamn...i cant find it to 
save my life...UNTIL today..i TOTALLY RANDOMLY wlak into a video store i had never 
been in
before and i found i just got done watching it..and all came back to 
me. this movie has a lot of bullshit in it..a lot of pointless crap...but on an 
overall level its a terrific movie...with some great lessons and a good cast (johnny 
depp, vincent gallo, JERRY LEWIS, faye dunaway and lili taylor) and its got some great 
camera work. so yeah..if you are a johnny depp fan (who the fuck isnt?) or if you 
liked buffalo
66 watch it for vincent gallo...also search out THE FUNERAL and PALOOKAVILLE...he was 
also in truth or consequence NM, and he house of the spririts i think.
much love,

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