> i was wondering if anyone thought like me?
> atheist vegan sXe.. anyone?

No, there's such a lack of "atheist vegan sXe" people in the world
today... *rolls eyes*.

Look, atheism is retarded.  Stating "There definitely is no God" is just
as much unfounded guesswork as stating "there definitely is a God" -
both positions require BELIEF, the former *belief that there is no God*,
the latter *belief that there is a God*.

I've found that there are two types of "atheists" among Kids These Days
- the ones who listen to death metal and like to piss off Christians in
their spare time and scream "God is dead!!!" a lot, and the ones who
simply don't believe in any of the established religions, which is NOT
the same as atheism.  For all we know, God lives all the way across the
Universe and hasn't even gotten around to talking to us yet.  What makes
us think we're worth His attention, anyway?

np:Yo La Tengo, "From Black to Blue" (Damn, this new album is good.)

Hard like Tarot cards, behold the one-man million man march.
Rev. Jack Godsey.

Spiritual counsel and webmaster for Pegasi 51.

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