Let's see, how did we cycle back to this can of worms so quickly? It seems
like only a matter of months ago...

> No, there's such a lack of "atheist vegan sXe" people in the world
> today... *rolls eyes*.


> Look, atheism is retarded.  Stating "There definitely is no God" is just
> as much unfounded guesswork as stating "there definitely is a God" -
> both positions require BELIEF, the former *belief that there is no God*,
> the latter *belief that there is a God*.

Actually, yr comment is rather "retarded."  Certainly such statements (as
you listed above) would be unfounded if there was nothing to back them up.
Unfortunately (for yr comments), there is a great deal to back up both 
sides. These are called arguments, and there have been better minds than yours
or mine involved in them! 

Ah, but you may be rolling yr eyes (yet again?), saying: Now this asshole
is going to bring up semantics!
Yr right, I am. There are many beliefs (below & beyond) which require 
"BELIEF" (ie w/out empirical evidence). Only, if they are worth a shit, they
have something more backing them than a "guess" or a hip whim. It's rather
insulting (not to mention a horrible sign of ignorance) that you refer to it
as "unfounded guesswork." What type of reasoning do _you_ have to back up such
a statement?  
> I've found that there are two types of "atheists" among Kids These Days
> - the ones who listen to death metal and like to piss off Christians in
> their spare time and scream "God is dead!!!" a lot, and the ones who
> simply don't believe in any of the established religions, which is NOT
> the same as atheism.  For all we know, God lives all the way across the
> Universe and hasn't even gotten around to talking to us yet.  What makes
> us think we're worth His attention, anyway?

What? I don't hardly know where to begin with those latter comments. 
Actually, I don't think I'll bother w/ them at all. Would it suffice to 
say that creation assumes attention? Ah, probably not in this case.

Time to flip the Jehu.

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