I know better than to ask this, but where exactly do you 'research' yr
information from?

Yr cute, but I have got to know.

On Thu, 17 Feb 2000, amy wolf wrote:

> > I've always wondered about the reasoning behind atheism.  It seems that
> the 
> > claim "God definitely does not exist" is very similar to the mind set of 
> > one who says "God definitely does exist".  And, all else being equal,  it
> > seems a lot easier to pick the latter option given societal pressures. 
> I'm 
> > agnostic myself......(Shit, I'm taking a stance on something)
> indeed.  atheism = christianity.  i don't know why people choose to be
> atheist or why they choose to be christian, but either way there's no 100%
> truth to either group being right as far as science is concerned.  same
> with hell....hell wasn't even spoken of in the old testament and all of a
> sudden in the new testament there was all this talk of it.  i'm pretty sold
> that whoever wrote the new testament was talking out of their asses, and if
> they weren't, i want some proof of it!  until then, i'm agnostic.  by the
> way, i think it's pretty fucking unfair to say that the reason i'm agnostic
> is so i can decide all of a sudden when i'm on my deathbed that i need to
> repent and give myself to the lord.  and even if that has something to do
> with it and i'm sure subconsciously it does, if i do repent hopefully i
> will have followed my morals so that when i repent i'm not gonna die evil
> and unaccepted by god.
> - amy

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