> and living in uptown i have found it to be one of the most vegan friendly
places i have ever > been to. more than i ever would have imagined.
> michael

> you forgot to mention renters rebate. i'm getting $509 back for being a
renter....pretty cool !

yeah rent is pretty average up there.  i think our rent was $500/month for
a two bedroom and my mom was the caretaker.  the kinda crappy thing tho was
that we lived on the crosstown which isn't the safest neighborhood in
minneapolis but it was one of the nicer apartments near bosson terrace so
oh well!
i'm not surprised it's vegan-friendly.  my mom's friends were really
ecclectic people and some of them were vegans..my mom worked at this big
book warehouse place and her and her ecclectic friends would all go to this
vegan restaurant right down the street :P  pretty nice..

in response to this thingie:
Right.  For one, you're mostly talking about St. Paul.  I don't mean to be 
picky, but Minneapolis and St. Paul have completely different 

you're right.  st. paul has always seemed more aged than minneapolis,
cozier, and certainly more industrial...still tho, they're twin cities and
you know everyone from minneapolis goes to the state fair and winter
festivals and what not so let's not be TOO picky ;)

For two, they don't build the ice castle every year.  In 
fact, they haven't come close to building a huge one in years. 

SINCE WHEN?  i don't ever recall a time during the winter when it wasn't
up....but my imagination is fuzzy and i haven't lived there in three and a
half years.

 And I 
really don't want everyone to think that all Minnesotans sit around and 
look at ice all winter. 

they don't?  i feel like an ass.  that's all i ever did.

 I would completely disagree about the State Fair 
too.  It's disgusting and there are so many better things you could be 
doing on one of our ten thousand lakes or at a great concert. 

i lived in a central location near most of the lakes in minneapolis..or at
least close enough so that i'd rather spend one day of the year at the
state fair, ya know?  i mean it's hot, it's disgusting, but it's fun and i
love that kinda stuff.  concerts are nice and all but you can always go to
a concert throughout the year.  i'm sorta old fashioned, sorry.

- amy, who thinks if you lived away from such a wonderful place for so long
you'd be over exaggerating its wonderfulness too ;) (please note i may feel
this way because i moved from a metropolitan area to a population of 3600
people.  heh.)

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