you know i used to be the copy girl at workand i was friends with all the 
other little copy girls and boys... they were really nice to me and we went 
out afterwards and had curly fries and ranch and fucked around with the salt 
and pepper shakers... but i guess i made my copies too good... my correlating 
skillz ruled the rest of them and then i got a promotion... i no longer had 
to make copies for the higher ups... now i got to answer phones and be nice 
to people on the phone... because i got to be nice on the phone i think i 
made alot more people happy, just because i got to spread my lovin over the 
phone lines... it's harder to spread lovin through the xerox machine... but 
then one day i walked by the copy kids and i asked them if they wanted to go 
out afterwards and they said no, because i had sold out... that my promotion 
was fucked up and that they  didn't want to hang out with anyone that had 
moved up in the world.  it hurt my feelings because i didn't think i had done 
anything wrong... after all, the extra money i got was able to make it so i 
could move out of my old apartment into a nicer one... and i was able to get 
a cool new pair of sneeks and an awesome new boom box to keep on my shoulder. 
 i guess you have to remain poor and old skool to not be a sell out... my 
fucking parents sold out... and i have too... fuck you for selling out, take 
no raises... upgrade nothing you sell out motherfuckers.... *snuggs*

love and fisting,


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