Yes, folks, I saw Bright Eyes too, at Bottom of the Hill in SF, and the
way-too-short 45 minutes or so that they played absolutely blew me away.
I've ordered the new thing from the saddle creek web site and I think
everyone else should too.  Funny, they were playing with this band called
the Subtonix which were this lesbian chicks wearing trashbags, smeared with
fake blood, playing casios and a sax and generally punked out in a post-John
Hughes throwback kind of way.  Then the headliner was the Need which is more
weird chick performance art stuff.  Bright Eyes, indie boys in ill fitting
thrift store garb, heartbreakingly earnest, just didn't really fit the whole
vibe.  I was worried the Subtonix fans (also smeared with fake blood) were
going to riot.

Bottom line: Bright Eyes is incredible.


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