1.Who are you/where do you reside/how old are you?

Evan/Anchorage, AK (soon Seattle)/16

2.What is your favorite mouse song?
there's so many great ones...Teeth Like God's
Shoeshine , Doin' the Cockroach, Head South, Polar
Opposites, Four Fingered Fishermen

3.What are five records you couldn't live without?

modest mouse-LCW
modest mouse-long drive with nothing to think about
built to spill-kilas
belle and sebastian-3.6.9 seconds of light

4. Putting records on the internet for free download:
bad or good?
I get tons of albums off the internet because it's
such a quick way to sample music you hear about on
this list and other places.  I don't know about any of
those albums except the modest mouse ones before I
joined this list.  If I really, really like an album
I'd definitely go out and buy it just like that.

5.  Ebay, bad or good?
good when your not getting seriously ripped off (most
of the time)
6.  Russ winning the hottest male contest, is he
voting for himself or 
I don't think this is true

7.  Do you own the Japaneese Tour EP?
  Fresh from Russ

8.  First live show?
    Green Day at Seattle Center when I was 11.
9.  Worst live show?
I don't know, maybe Cake. The opener was cool though.

10.  Favorite sound?

The first couple lines of custom concern.  Isaac does
this awesome high-pitched yodle thing.

11.  least favorite sound?

The lyrical standard that is coming about for lame
rock music in such bands as Creed and Godsmack where
there is this certain pitch that comes out of the
throat.  It sucks so bad, and it's just a portal for
higher pitched lyricists to get a deep voice for their
"hardcore" bands.

12.  girls posting their pictures and email addresses
on the internet 

Good, I'm never too busy to look at girls.

13.  What book should every person in america read?\

Into the Wild (Jon Krakauer) (..or other books by

.  Signing to a major bad/good?

usually bad, and like someone else said, the indie
labels seem way more down to earth, if you got to know
the people who ran the label you wouldn't be friends
with some stuck-up big shot in a business suit.

15.  Wearing the t-shirt of the band you are going to

I think I did that at Green Day (don't quote me on
that though)

16.  Modest Mouse list being oft-off the topic

Awesome, learning about new bands, and learning a lot
more about modest mouse

17.  Favorite beer?

underage and not much of a beer drinker

18.  Favorite color?

blue, I also like the yellow of my modest mouse shirt.

19.  What are you going to name your first born child?

this is hard...Mouse would be cool 

20.  Five favorite movies (the question that tells
tons about a 
Fight Club
2001 Space Odyssey
The Shining
Some nature films about the Cascades

...seen a lot of shitty films which mask the good ones
with their shitty layers of shittiness. (Hard Rain)

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