Ok, about the beer issue,

I am one of those budding alcoholics who drinks at every convienient occassion.  If i 
don't have class the next morning, i get together with friends and drink. That usually 
means whatever is on sale.  If the 40's are extra cheap, we get 40's. If the shit beer 
is thrifty, we get that. Of course i enjoy the higher end beers, also. (Try Fat Tire, 
or Scapegoat Ale, and especially Grolsh.) It's just that i can rarley afford enough to 
accomplish my goal of intoxication. I don't drink to "cool off", "unwind", or "take 
the edge off a long day". I drink to get drunk. period. Anybody who says they only 
like to have a beer or two is lying.(unless they weigh less than 75 lbs,)  Beer, like 
every other alcoholic beverage, tastes like shit.  the only reason anyone drinks it is 
to feel the effects of the alcohol and/or look kool.
That's it. The only reason i "like" the taste of beer is that i have conditioned 
myself to like it.  When a taste beer, my brain thinks i will soak it in alcohol soon 
and responds with pleasurable taste sensations.  I "like" the taste of a strong Makers 
& coke for the same reason. 

Beer is beer, and after five or six, they all taste the same anyway. 

"all this talkin' all the time and the air fills 
up till there's nothing left to breathe." -MM


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