i thought the show was really good despite the fact that all the tall people 
just had to stand in front of every short person there....i was kinda upset 
about that...but i ended up getting a good spot where i could see all the 
band members in between peoples heads.....

im sorry to everyone i was supposed to meet at the show last night (tyler, 
jen, ian)....i really couldnt find anyone that fit any of the 
descriptions....i thought it would be easy to spot you jen, but i guess 

i was sooooo happy they played tundra/desert.....i liked the long version a 
lot.....i was dancing away...hehe....

i was super pissed about six parts seven....they are really good and the 
agora fucking sucks if they took them off just cause they were local....that 
first band was like just added or something....ooh makes me mad....


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