On Wed, 17 May 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> i thought the show was really good despite the fact that all the tall people 
> just had to stand in front of every short person there....i was kinda upset 
> about that...but i ended up getting a good spot where i could see all the 
> band members in between peoples heads.....

hey, i got there just in time to hear grey ice water. i actually got lost
in that fucking goddamn shanty-town of a shithole place and therefore
missed the first two? three? songs they played and no one in a ten foot
radius of me seemed to have any idea who modest mouse was, let alone
know what they had played. what did they play? hope i didn't miss anything
i hadn't already heard before..

> im sorry to everyone i was supposed to meet at the show last night (tyler, 
> jen, ian)....i really couldnt find anyone that fit any of the 
> descriptions....i thought it would be easy to spot you jen, but i guess 
> not....

yeah. i got there and everyone looked exactly the same to me. i was
standing in the balcony area that was to the band's right. i kinda hung
around for a few minutes after the show, eyeing the crowd but no one stood
out. maybe next time.

it seemed to me that at the cleveland show isaac waited a lot longer
before coming back onstage for an encore. what a diva, making us
beg. which we were of course. 

man, i thought my tie-dyed shirt would have for sure stood out. i had a
black sleeveless fleece over it though so maybe that threw ya off.

14 hours is a long dive inside a car, but worth it it this case.

i didn't know about the lines.. huh. 


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