This town is a shithole. Do not come here.

Hey, I have a riddle...what do you get when you mix a bunch of idealistic
college kids, dirty fucking hippies, crusty drunks that call themselves
anarchists, and middle aged yuppie cocksuckers?

Thats right...home sweet home.

Ben Hubbird

On Fri, 12 May 2000, Robert Perry wrote:

> during my lunch break at my corporate drone job, inbetween bites of my
> vegetarian frozen dinner, i read Notes From Underground Among the Radicals
> of the Pacific Northwest by David Samuels in the may 2000 issue of Harper's
> magazine.
> the article covers the anarchists and environmentalists taking shelter in
> eugene
> oregon from our consumer driven, empty, lonely lives.
> much of what was touched upon reminded me of some of the songs by
> modest mouse such as custom concern.
> anyone interested in such topics might also enjoy the article.
> i found myself wanting to visit my grandma in oregon and find out first hand
> what these people are trying to achieve.
> finished it off my listening to bright eyes' a line allows progress, a
> circle does not.
> robert

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