Ok I have had about enough of the moshing comments.  I have been going
to mouse shows in the northwest for quite some time now.  I have seen
them play 10 or 11 times and never once was anyone moshing.  I say
this as a person who has been in the pit at ministry, kmfdm, nine inch
nails, and most violent of all the sweaty nipples reunion show last
month.  People pogo at the mouse, some people might even bump into
each other at the mouse but no one, I repeat no one is moshing at the
mouse.  There is usually a small group of people who move around in the
front, these people are not particularly violent, so why the problem.
The problem here is girls who come to the show in flip flop sandals and
stand right down in the front then get pissed because someone fucking
moved and stood on my toe.  It is one thing that everyone stands still
and listens intently at a cat power show but this is modest mouse.
People are going to feel the beat of a song like breakthrough or tundra/
desert and they are going to move around, so dress appropriately.
If you simply can not wear a real pair of shoes to the show there is 
another option.  Stand out side the 10 foot by 10 foot area where people
are pogoing.  Most of the crowd is just standing there, so if you don't
want to be near a pogo artist then don't stand right in front of the
stage.  I will be at the Eugene show and both Seattle Shows and I will
be moving my body about, if you tell me to stop and start threatening
me like the bastard at the last frank black show I went to then I will
go out of my way to begin moshing in your direction.  If you just let
me enjoy the show you probably won't even know I am there.

declan galt

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