No need to be riled, the whole 'women's intuition' was a JOKE, too.

I am taking nothing said here seriously. (I mean, really, I'd
have to be some ass if I truly believed every Stars fan was a

Simma dawn naw.

On Fri, 9 Jun 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> My god. this is a JOKE. chris and I are JOKING. Having some fun....chill 
> out!! I think you're taking everything we say WAY too seriously. 
> Um, no I was refering to the first three series' of the playoffs...the ones I 
> was able to watch. not fucking women's intuition. ugh.
> no more hockey talk. some can't handle it. chris i'll be emailing you 
> privatly.
> .mer.

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