The second design is here. I'll work on the page and post the url asap. I 
ought to hold out for one more design... Well if anyone has questions send 
them my way. There will also be a little suprise waiting at the site if 
everything goes as planned.

Some people probably are already diggin on these bands but I just found out 
about them and people should check them out:
Black Box Recorder and The Ladybug Transistor
Also someone asked about The Trembling Blue Stars they rule as do The Secret 

Also about the whole insink mainstream thing, I dont care what people listen 
to I only care what I listen to. If I like something thats cool. If you dont 
like it who cares. I think everyone probably has some skeletons in thier cd 
collection. I think we should get them out in the open so here goes: George 
Michael Faith and Greatest Hits, and Marilyn Manson Portrait of An American 
Family. I also have Vanilla Ice.
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