At 01:09 PM 6/24/00 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>Diet For a New America-

      I've seen this before and considered picking it up.  I didn't.  Maybe 
I will.

      Three recommendations;


      Title:  Slaughterhouse-Five (or The Children's Crusade)
      By:  Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
      Genre:  Fiction

      I'm not entirely sure commentary is even needed for this one, as it's 
become a near-classic.  Vonnegut describes his experiences in World War II, 
culminating with the bombing of Dresden, Germany, in third-person with a 
sci-fi twist involving his admission into a human zoo on the planet of 
Tralfamadore, where they have a very different outlook on the concept of 
time.  It's just really damned good.  Probably my favorite book ever.


      Title:  The Teachings of Don Juan; A Yaqui Way Of Knowledge
      By:  Carlos Castaneda
      Genre:  Philosophy/Anthropology/New Age

      Although it's in the non-fiction section of bookstores and libraries, 
it's so extraordinary that you can't really tell if Castaneda is lying or 
not.  This book details Castaneda's magical training through the use of 
natural hallucinogenic plants (namely peyote and mescaline) under the 
tutelage of a Yaqui Indian sorceror named Don Juan down near Sonora, 
Mexico.  I cannot stress how fantastic this book is, as long as you're into 
the subject matter.


      Title(s):  Dragons of Autumn Twilight
                   Dragons of Winter Night
                   Dragons of Spring Dawning
      By:  Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman
      Genre:  Fantasy

      This is actually the Chronicles trilogy in the TSR/D&D Dragonlance 
line of fantasy novels.  In retrospect, the books are somewhat amateurish 
and sometimes cliched, but for a good year in my early teens, I never 
stopped reading it.  It was also the first novels to ever come out of the 
D&D gaming machine.  Of course, you have to be into fantasy in the first 
place to even like it -- if you are and you haven't read this trilogy, it's 
Grade A Material, guaranteed.  Once in a while I'll still re-read 
chapters.  This series also includes one of my favorite literary characters 
of all time, Raistlin Majere.  Yes, I am a dork at heart.

      - Matt

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