This review, from Buddyhead, is very strange. They end up giving it a 4 out 
of 5.


I'll be honest and admit I knew little or nothing of this band before I read 
the press sheet that's glued to the back of this cd. After giving it a few 
listens and time to grow on me I came to the conclusion that Conor Oberst is 
a very talented and diverse songwriter with a unique and peculiar style. His 
song writing style spans from a quiet lull of lush acoustically blended 
structures to at times something that one might even call rock. If a 
reference point is needed I'd probably go with something between Elliot 
Smith, the Beatles, and dare I say the Flaming Lips? The production is nice 
as well. Clean, but still keeping that lo-fi and personal element that only 
seems to compliment and add to the songwriting, something very rare in music 
these days. I don't know how to record albums, so I can't talk that 
technical bullshit, sorry, I just know what I like to hear. Conor's 
infatuation with death and his dark outlook only lured me into the music 
even more. His fascination with death reminds me of this British gay guy my 
friend Chris and I met last week. We walked up the street to this bar after 
work to just have a few drinks and shoot the shit. About an hour into our 
night we met a group of rather odd characters. One being the British gay 
guy, who introduced himself with the statement "Americans don't understand 
Oasis for shit, they're fucking stupid wankers". Not long after we had met 
our motley crue of new acquaintances the bartender announced "last call" and 
we were invited to attend an "after hours party" they were headed for. 
Having nothing else quite this promising lined up and always being up for an 
adventure (which was inevitable with this clan) we piled seven deep into 
their mid 90's compact car. Chris and I knew we were in for a longer drive 
than originally planned on when the driver asked which way the 405 freeway 
was (that's the freeway that heads to orange county and eventually San 
Diego). Twenty minutes into our journey the girl sitting on the angry 
British gay guys lap asked if it was raining. She wasn't the least bit 
stoked when she found out that what she thought was rain was nothing more 
than warm weird British gay guy puke all over her back and neck. Now I've 
never puked on anyone, but if I did I'm assuming I'd be really embarrassed 
and apologize a whole bunch. Not to mention feel really shitty about it. Not 
this guy, he made sure to tell her she should have moved and to shut up and 
wash her jacket, in his thick British accent that due to the amount of 
alcohol he had consumed sounded more like backwards German. The verbal 
onslaught continued and soon spread to the other passengers of the vehicle. 
Once we reached our destination (which turned out to be somewhere in Santa 
Monica, I think) the real drama unfolded. Turns out the British guy had been 
staying in these people's apartment for the last month and was a totally 
uninvited guest. The girl that got puked on showered right away and didn't 
say much the rest of the night and the angry puke-machine locked himself in 
one of the rooms to pass out, while quirky weird looking blonde girl and the 
owner of the room that the vomit king was in, snorted what they said was 
"probably coke and crank" off a neon glass mirror. They had bought it from 
"the weird Italian guy down the street" that told them that he "wasn't sure 
what it was made of" earlier that night. They were stoked they got it for 
cheap. I declined the death powder. After ranting and ranting about the 
British guy and his ways, the guy snorting whatever launched into why 
Hollywood sucks and how he's gonna move and attend film school in northern 
California. Chris made sure to tell him film school was bullshit and in 
short for pussies. I made sure to tell him that Pablo Honey was hands down 
the worst Radiohead album and that it was a disgrace for him to only own 
that one. I mean who the fuck owns that one but not Ok Computer, let alone 
The Bends? Fucking weirdos that's who. And here I thought this guy was going 
to be a british music guru, I mean with an opening line like that about 
Oasis, who's to blame me. Anyways, the after party wasn't a party at all, 
but rather Chris interrogating these weirdos with quite absurd and 
interesting questions and then proceeding to look through their purses and 
cupboards (with their permission of course). I ended up falling asleep on 
their carpet half way through the second Air record.
--Travis Keller
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