whoa...i haven't heard that album in years...i remember being infatuated
with that record and tim booth's voice back then..i kinda forgot about them
until now.. i don't have any tatts, but i was gonna ask another random type
question...i know we were talking about music we don't care for and the fact
that all of us have musical skeletons in the closet that are our guilty
pleasures...i wondered what everyone elses were...i bought a power ballads
compilation a while back..i guess i'm  a sucker for that old hair metal
-- Tour de Force, Defacto, Ayuchuco! --
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, June 25, 2000 12:39 AM
Subject: [MMouse]: Re: [MMouse]OT weird bright eyes reveiw/tattoos

> .mer.
> np: james, laid.

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