Once again, technical difficulties make my posts not just too long, but
no longer timely..  yet you get to read them anyways.

I'm always watching movies or doing something stupid like working so I 
never can seem to finish a book these days... maybe they aren't good 
enough?  Was reading Invisible Monsters by Chuck Palahniuk  Nice 
premise, beautiful but vacant super model has face blown off by bullet.  
She's now invisible, no one will look at her or see her.  What adventures 
can she have?   Again, I have not finished it, not as compelling as Fight 
Club and with less of a point, or maybe it has as much of a point, but not 
one that is interesting to me personally.

If you have that book of 100 short stories sitting around since college, 
open it and find "The Chicken Who Became A Rat" and read it. Very 
short, good.  Sorry no Author, it's not in front of me.

Someone put up a box with a weird lens inside that looks like.. a 
camera.. on a pole on our street corner.  A ditch near our house where 
little kids skateboarded has been covered over with those little bumps 
like on a freeway...  I say it's time everyone pull out 1984 and read it 
again.. the only book you need to read.. you MUST read.

Uhm, and big big thanks to everyone in CA who told me where to go 
and what to see...  have noted all.. will plan itenarary accordingly..

Oh yeah, the real reason I posted was a short show review..

Saw Delta 72 with Rapture opening up for them...  I've seen Delta 72 a few
times in the last year and they are a lot of fun.. however.. after listening
to their songs quite a bit it's worn out fairly quickly... luckily.. their
live presence is still awesome...  they made the most jaded indie 
rockers shake their ass and give up the soul clap...

However, the real story was the rapture..  I saw them at SXSW where they
only had about 45 mins to play.. they were really impressive but nothing
like this time...  they lost a keyboard player somewhere along the line so
they were just 3...  we were standing around outside because it was so hot
inside... the main Rapture guy whos name is Luke I think, comes around
outside and politely informs everyone that they are about to start playing.
So there are 30 people or so spread out in front of the stage, mostly
towards the back.  He gets back off the stage again and starts going around
and pushing people up to the front of the stage as if to say, "you need to
pay attention to what's about to take place".  It was a really hot night and
everyone seemed as tired as we were but everyone went forwards anyways....
Now how to describe their performance?!  The absolutely attacked the amps
and drums with everything they had...  I could only think of rockers rocking
like the Who or Iggy Pop...   Luke thrashed his guitar around so much he
broke the end of it on the ground but kept playing it anyways.  Feedback was
everywhere.  It's not that musical, but it's not just noise, it's more of a
rhythmical, musical.. noise.  I can't describe them, but if they are in your

25 Rubber Glove. Denton, TX (w/Delta 72
26 TBA. Little Rock, AR
27 El Torrean Ballroom. Kansas City, MO (w/Delta 72)
28 The Fireside Bowl. Chicago, IL (w/ Jets To Brazil, The Explosion) 
29 TBA. Bloomington, IN (w/ The Faint, Bright Eyes) 
30 MORETHANMUSIC Fest. Columbus, OH 

then go and see them and you will leave a fan of the Rapture...
Just watch out for flying guitar parts.

Good kids too.  Good kids.

Zach - Suspicion Breeds Confidence - Listen to Radio Frank -

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