> I've gone all weekend with this uneasy feeling because some
> caloused person casually said on this
> mail list last week, 'saw ween.. it was boring'.

caloused? i don't have an calluses...
> I just am not sure who goes to a ween show in the first place
> if they would find it boring???

i didn't know it would be boring. well, actually i had a feeling
i would end up being bored, but i hoped it would be
entertaining. i get in free to that particular venue through my
job, and my boyfriend is a relatively new fan of Ween, so he's
never seen them. his best friend cancelled on him, so i got the
privilege of going with him. 

> Anyways, I seriously doubt any band touring right now could
> out-do Ween's live show, and if you think you know
> of one, let me know and I'll go see them (I have airlines
> miles, remember?)

modest mouse? 

> I didn't always like Ween because it bugged me so much that I
> couldn't figure out where they were coming from..
> were they being funny? Did they have some hidden meanings in
> everything they did?  Then I finally figured it
> out that the only place they are coming from is the land of
> good music and it didn't require that you 'get it' or not.  
> So, maybe you don't even like Ween, but I wish you did.  You
> would be better for it.  Most indie bands explore
> such a small space.. even though they do it well... but Ween
> fully exploits
> the potential that is out there in music and in the world..
> for that reason
> I can mention them with people like Zappa because they make
> music that
> does not follow trends, nor does it make trends happen. 
> That's what
> independent music should be, and what it still is to Ween.

 hmm...i don't agree with you. how would i be better for liking
ween? maybe there is nothing to get, or maybe there is, and i
just don't get it. either way, i don't "get" anything from their
music, apart from a few chuckles, when they seem to be making
fun of metal/classic rock/prog/etc. but a little bit of that
goes a LONG way. my boyfriend though thoroughly loved the 2 hour
show so don't despair Zach, at least one of us "gets" it...

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