From: One Hundred Watt Warlock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: God Ween Satan

> I've gone all weekend with this uneasy feeling because some
> caloused person casually said on this
> mail list last week, 'saw ween.. it was boring'.

caloused? i don't have an calluses...

I'm happy you stood up to be counted and your post was not about pants or
or shants.  I only meant callused in a sense that you were indifferent to my
about Ween, not knowing I would be seeing them live only days after you
posted.  I'm very
sensitive like that.

I can see now how you went to the show and didn't like them, since it was a

I can say with conviction that the Mouse, while putting on an impressive
live show,
doesn't come close to Ween's.  Having seen MM 4 times since Decemeber, I
would say I saw
them play about 40 songs total. Granted, 2 shows were 50 min sets at
festivals, and 1 show was cut short due to the sickness in Dallas.  But out
of those 40 songs they probably played about 20 unique songs.  Maybe 25.  I
can't do the math.  

In seeing Ween 1 night, they played about 30 songs, and seeing them 2 nights
they played 60 songs,
with about 55 unique songs.. and they do this all across the country every

MM has a way to go to get where Ween is (in a live show).  Many of MM's
shows I've seen have been marred, or perhaps improved by, Isaac's antics...
at SXSW he pulled his guitar plug out because he
walked to far from the amp and then he tried to plug it back in for 2
minutes while Eric and Jeremiah played a little breakdown the whole time.
It actually added to the show (for me) but I wouldn't go so far as to say MM
has a better live show because Isaac screws up frequently (I also enjoy when
he gets down on his knees and starts smacking his floor peddles with his
fist because they aren't making the right sounds come out).

So, if you asked who was my favorite band right now, I'd still have to say
Pavement. If you asked for my second favorite band, I'd have to think about
it a minute, and probably say Built to Spill.  Then if you asked for my
third favorite band, or maybe my second favorite band, I'd say Modest Mouse.
But if you asked who put on the best live show, without a doubt, Ween.

Oh yeah, when I said you would be a better person by listening to ween I
meant the collective you,
like you all people on the modest mouse list, or the Texan, Ya'll people on
the modest mouse list.
And I was kidding, although you would be a better person for it, so listen
to Baby Bitch or Buckingham Green or Mutilated Lips and if you still don't
like Ween at all, then I guess you (all) are off the hook.

> I just am not sure who goes to a ween show in the first place
> if they would find it boring???

i didn't know it would be boring. well, actually i had a feeling
i would end up being bored, but i hoped it would be
entertaining. i get in free to that particular venue through my
job, and my boyfriend is a relatively new fan of Ween, so he's
never seen them. his best friend cancelled on him, so i got the
privilege of going with him. 

> Anyways, I seriously doubt any band touring right now could
> out-do Ween's live show, and if you think you know
> of one, let me know and I'll go see them (I have airlines
> miles, remember?)

modest mouse? 

> I didn't always like Ween because it bugged me so much that I
> couldn't figure out where they were coming from..
> were they being funny? Did they have some hidden meanings in
> everything they did?  Then I finally figured it
> out that the only place they are coming from is the land of
> good music and it didn't require that you 'get it' or not.  
> So, maybe you don't even like Ween, but I wish you did.  You
> would be better for it.  Most indie bands explore
> such a small space.. even though they do it well... but Ween
> fully exploits
> the potential that is out there in music and in the world..
> for that reason
> I can mention them with people like Zappa because they make
> music that
> does not follow trends, nor does it make trends happen. 
> That's what
> independent music should be, and what it still is to Ween.

 hmm...i don't agree with you. how would i be better for liking
ween? maybe there is nothing to get, or maybe there is, and i
just don't get it. either way, i don't "get" anything from their
music, apart from a few chuckles, when they seem to be making
fun of metal/classic rock/prog/etc. but a little bit of that
goes a LONG way. my boyfriend though thoroughly loved the 2 hour
show so don't despair Zach, at least one of us "gets" it...

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