Okay, I've noticed that within the past few months on this list, there have 
been two major topical discussions that got people fairly passionate and 
riled up...the Fetal Alcohol Syndrom thread and the Led Zepplin thread, both 
of which, I noticed, were started by Amy. MY question is, Why bother? I think 
that with almost every post to this list, she demonstrates remarkably that 
she doesn't know shit. I know I get tired of reading things such as: 
        but they spawned it.  to me, they WERE the originals of cockrock.  
        that's the problem, maybe that's why i think why they blow 
        to me, they ARE COCKROCK.
         - amy
and I'm fairly certain that everyone else does as well. I wholeheartedly 
agree with whoever used the analogy that this was essentially like hearing a 
toddler cry. Most of us are mature people, maybe we should start taking the 
mature route and ignore blatantly stupid shit. No one is going to change her 
opinion in regards to this, especially when she doesn't seem to be sure what 
her own opinion is. I apologize if I sound like an elitist bastard, and I'd 
like to further apologize if this comes off sounding condescending or 
high-handed, but it's merely a suggestion. I know everyone hears stupid 
things from time to time, but sometimes it is just best to grit your teeth 
and ignore it.
    Yes, I am fully aware of the irony involved in the posting of this 
message, so please don't respond on that level. I am also aware that someone 
will say, "well, maybe you should just delete the messages with subjects that 
you don't want to read." Fuck that. I've tried that, and it winds up being 
more effort than it's worth. 

Anxiously awaiting attacks as a result of this letter

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