as much as i love getting chewed a new asshole, i'm weak, so i'm gonna stop
this asshole chewing right here!  now this blesblok8 fellow had a good
point to his email.  he pointed out that i'm an idiot (or at least that i
say stupid things!), that my opinions are wrong (see previous implication. 
it's essentially the same as this one), and that i rile people up.  he's
wrong about 2/3 of these implications, however:  no, i'm not an idiot. 
when not writing meaningless emails to mailing lists, i actually say stuff
that i care about!  second, my opinions aren't wrong - that's why they're
opinions.  there's no way that they can be wrong.  but he was right that i
rile people up, and i apologize for that.  i say things that i believe in
my own personal experience to be true, and these words ends up getting
blown out of great proportion because i throw around words carelessly for
no good reason.  do i do this with the intent of pissing everyone off?  no.
 do i do this because i'm an idiot?  no.  i do it because i simply don't
care, and thus i can never seem to learn my lesson to just *keep my mouth
shut.*  i should add that i do really believe the opinions that i give,
otherwise this email will just make me sound like i have no point.  so just
for the record, i do believe this stuff that i write.  i start things up
not thinking shit is gonna hit the fan, but then of course it does, and for
once even i find myself thinking "god amy, you did something completely
tiresome and not worth all the crap that came along with it."  have i, in
my personal experience, seen a baby come out with disabilities because its
mother drank alcohol during the pregnancy?  no.  that doesn't mean it
hasn't happened.  do i think led zeppelin is a good band that DIDN'T spawn
cockrock?  hell no, but these things that i write are my opinions and i've
always tried to stress that as much as possible..not to mention that i can
acknowledge the fact that other people do like led zeppelin and i won't
hold it against them for that.  so in a nutshell, i was offended when you
said that i don't know what my opinions are, or that i'm saying stupid
shit.  how organized do you expect people to be online?  do you,
personally, write emails that are elegantly written and have all the
information that you wish to give?  because i'll tell you what, after
almost four years of reading and responding to email, i can't keep up 100%
anymore but i truly do envy anyone who can do that.
basically what i'm trying to say is that even i know this time it was a
little tiresome, and it hit me not only in an online sense but in an
offline sense.  it made me want to become more of an elegant writer and say
things in taste, and that just because you feel a certain way due to
personal experience, it may seem ridiculous to other people.  the best i
can do is to point out that there is always that choice to just ignore me
and people like me, who simply don't think or care about what they write
before they write it.  i mean i don't feel like i made a huge ass out of
myself or anything, because i can't fuel my own fire by just saying "led
zeppelin blows goats."  i have other people to thank for that, you know? 
;)  regardless it was something that could've been avoided.  with that
said, don't worry about getting any attacks, because i'm sure most everyone
agrees with you - even i do.  but consider the possibility that not
everyone sits around their computer organizing their thoughts perfectly
just to avoid pissing people they don't know off.
i'll leave you all with a quote now by peter from office space:
"it's not that i'm lazy, it's that i just don't care."
- amy

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