all i have to say is that Travis from the D-Plan sure knows how to break it 
down something fierce
The Plan owns!

>From: Tommy G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [MMouse]: RE: Stuff it shorty; mo' bands; mo' props; Le Coq 
>Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2000 12:09:59 -0700 (PDT)
>My compadre Zach has inspired me to comment.
>(1) Le coq sportif = The sportsman cock [or cock
>sportsman].  French is truly a beautiful language.  I
>guess it gets lost in the translation somewhere.
>(2)Blonde Redhead was really damn good live.  You
>should have been there instead of listing your beanie
>babies on ebay.
>That's okay.  You know better now.
>(3)If I were 19 yrs old again, Polvo would be my
>master.  As it is right now, I can't get that one line
>from "Feather of Forgiveness" out of my head.  "I
>wanna put you in a light that will hurt your eyes."
>[repeated]  It doesn't look too cool when you type it.
>  You just have to hear the magic that is Polvo.  It
>comes off with such honesty even as it rocks your ass.
>(4)D-Plan.  Sure to cure my A.D.D.  Love these guys.
>Doin' the dance that everybody isn't moving to.  I
>feel like I need to where my helmet when I listen to
>some of their more offbeat material.  but they rock,
>and I thank them for that.  I look forward to more
>more more music from these fellas.
>(5)Thanks for turning my attention toward the Murder
>City Devils, Zach.  I had written them off as just
>another shitty punk rock band.  But they're like the
>Misfits with 50 percent more rockin', 33.333 percent
>more rollin', and 125 percent of the recommended daily
>allowance of power chords.  these idle hands do the
>devils work.  they've done a whole lot worse.
>(6)Sam Prekop/Sea and Cake.  There are alot of indie
>rock people in Chicago that are pushing there way into
>jazz.  Sea and Cake seems to have more rock in there.
>The Sam Prekop solo album is more mellow and sounds
>like it's moving even more towards jazz.  I have been
>listening to the album every night this week.  I think
>I listened to it every night last week.
>(7) Last but not least . . . L-E-S-S-A-V-Y-F-A-V!
>Can't say enough good things about these boys.  They
>make me want to quit my job and rock full-time.  How
>many punk bands would incorporate the Rod Stewart "Do
>ya Think I'm Sexy" riff in their song and make it
>work?  Absolutely none.  That's why LSF is NOT a punk
>band.  They are in a class all there own.  I hope that
>they continue to break the mold of all these punk/emo
>bullshit stereotypes.
>As far as bands that have been praised on this group
>goes, I am most disappointed with Bright Eyes.  Saw
>them live about a month back.  The young lad
>definitely has talent, but listening to his music was
>about as exciting to me as having him show me his
>personal collection of polaroids of fluffy clouds and
>grassy fields.  Plus, that bleating goat affliction
>was like a cheese grater on my neck after a while.
>sorry about that, kids.
>At least Grandaddy was there to save the day.  good
>I should be working right now.  gotta go.
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