Ask Bjoern Hansen writes:
> > I'll chew on a new layout and give you something by the end of the
> > week.  Thanks,
> awesome! :-)

I did have something by the end of last week, just not much.  I'd
hoped to find the time to plug the holes this week, but haven't been
able to.  So here it is, woefully incomplete.

The URL is:

I've got:
 * Home page
 * About
 * Download

done.  My plan was to just go through and move content
into that framework (for instance, success stories and testimonials go
as a page under 'About').

There are some web design To Do items:
 * ensure colors are part of the standard palette (right now they're
   just easy to type in hex :-)
 * contemplate CSS and enforcing standards like "all links are in bold".


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