Nathan Torkington wrote:

>>cvs where? it has to stay at I believe.
> Didn't you say that the current site is maintained with CVS?  Just
> make a subdirectory /new and put the new site into that.  Work from
> there.


>>Also what components framework have you used, is it Mason? Is it a 
>>static page or dynamic?
> All static right now.  If there's a system (e.g., Mason) being used
> where it's hosted, someone else should componentize it.
> I agree the order should be:
>  * componentize
>  * colorize
>  * contentize
> (You can tell I'm getting comfortable with management by the way I
> hold down the English language and give it some good hard back door
> action with all the "-ize"s)
>>But it'd be nice to give some good web-designer do some brushing, no 
>>offense Nat :) We can show it on the modperl list and ask for a better 
>>look and feel from those who know how.
> I've heard nothing back except from you and Ken.  If nobody offers to
> tone down the colour, it's going to stay bright and gaudy.

that's why I've suggested to send this to modperl list, where you have 
people with time on their hands.

ok, you got me, I've to setup the code for generating mod_perl 2.0 docs 
and I was postponing this trying to do some coding first, but I'll try 
to implement it now. Since I plan to move to use template toolkit, I'll 
create a components system for the site as well.

Since we have to login and update the checked out copy of anyway, I see no reason why not to run a script that 
will run 'cvs up' and run ttpage to update all the components.

Any objections to this?

Once I'm done, I'll throw a few pages in for your observation and from 
there on we can start working on making a nice look-n-feel. Of course 
I'll take the work that you've done already. Can you please send me the 
pages (privately) you've done already?

Stas Bekman             JAm_pH      --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker      mod_perl Guide

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