Perl's "-T" flag turns on taint checking.  Check out the perlsec manpage 
for more info.  Briefly, though, taint checking tells perl (among other 
things) not to trust environment variables such as $ENV{PATH}, and warn 
you if you make any implicit use of them when you run UNIX commands.  You 
can avoid this error by explicitly setting the PATH before you execute 
external commands:

        $ENV{'PATH'} = "/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin"; 

-Rob von Behren

On Sat, 2 Oct 1999, Pepi wrote:

> Greetings,
> Does anyone now what that server error suggests:
> Insecure $ENV{PATH} while running with -T switch at 
> /home/web/perl/ line 46.
> Close to this line in this source file I have:
>         open (SENDMAIL, "| /usr/sbin/sendmail -oi -t")
>                 or unexpected(" Can't open sendmail process: $!\n");
>         print SENDMAIL "To:support\\n";
>         print SENDMAIL "From:".$input{'email'}."\n";
>         print SENDMAIL "Subject: [contact form]".$input{'subject'}."\n\n";
>         print SENDMAIL $input{'message'}."\n";
>         close (SENDMAIL)
>                 or intecept(" Sendmail did not finish w/ success: $!");
> Thank you!
> __________________________________________________________
> Petar Maymounkov                      Cell: (617) 283-2401
> 166 Quincy Mail Center                Home: (617) 493-3106
> Cambridge, MA 02138        Page: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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