I've used the lines below and the various other provided incantations for
using Apache::SSI or Apache::SSIChain.

PerlModule Apache::SSIChain
PerlModule Apache::Filter
PerlModule Apache::SSI
PerlModule Apache::OutputChain
Alias /ssiperl/ /www/perl/ssibin/
<Location /ssiperl>
        SetHandler perl-script
#       PerlSendHeader On
        PerlSetVar Filter On
#       PerlHandler Apache::OutputChain Apache::SSIChain Apache::Registry
#       PerlHandler Apache::SSIChain Apache::Registry
        PerlHandler Apache::Registry Apache::SSI
        Options +ExecCGI

The SSI's get included, but they're all at the top of the file.  Both of
the PerlHandler lines commented out above have SSIChain as the last thing
which is what the docs say to do.  But the includes still get included
before the rest of the file.

I've scoured the modperl archives.  I've read through the source and
documentation to Apache::SSI*.  Does anyone have any ideas?

My workaround:

sub processSSI {
        my ($text,$r) = @_;

        my @lines = split(/\n/,$text);

        my ($line,@el,$command,$key,$val,%param);

        foreach $line (@lines) {
                if ($line =~ /<!--#(.*)-->/) {
                        @el = split(/\s+/,$1);
                        $command = lc(shift(@el));
                        foreach (@el) {
                                ($key,$val) = split(/=/);
                                $key = lc($key); # lower case key

                                # strip double quotes if they're there
                                # and balanced
                                if (substr($val,0,1) eq '"') {
                                        if (substr($val,-1,1) eq '"') {
                                                substr($val,0,1) = '';
                        if ($command eq "include") {
                                if (defined( $param{'virtual'} )) {
                } else {
                        print $line, "\n";

This handles my needs.  It is a disadvantage to be stuck with putting
anything that isn't an "include virtual" into a file which is then called
via an "include virtual".  But at least it works.


"The only thing more frightening than a programmer with a screwdriver
or a hardware enginner with a program is a user with wire cutters and
the root password."            - Elizabeth Zwicky

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