> > Starting httpd...       pid = 8057  ok
> >
> > Testing mod_perl mode...
> >
> > ascii...                       8057:/usr/local/apache/bin/httpd: rld:
> > Fatal Error: attempted access to unresolvable symbol in
> > blib/arch/auto/HTML/Embperl/Embperl.so: mod_perl_sent_header
> As long as "make test" did not work, we don't need to look at the
> configuration!
> I already answered to that problem and thought you have solved this already.
> Please make sure that "make test" works without problems. I guess afterwards
> the rest will work also!
> Here is what I wrote in my last mail:
> Apache does not export any symbols. You need to rebuild your Apache with
> symbols exported. Look in the FAQ for some hints.

I'm sorry that I misunderstood your mail last time. Do I have to reinstall
apache or both apache and mod_perl. I couldn't find the hints in the FAQ.
Could you please point me out where the document is located.

Thank you very much,
> Gerald

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