Stas Bekman wrote:
> Is it a single script/handler you are testing with?
> *all* children at once? You mean you do a single request and it happens?
> The only reason I can think of is parent dirtying its memory pages,
> however I cannot think about a possible way to do this...

Yes, I reload VMonitor once, the disk drive chugs for a second, and then
*all* children drop to under 3M shared.

I think the parent process must have been swapped to disk.  It only happens
on my home computer (i.e no network traffic), and only after a while
of inactivity.  And the disk always chugs for a sec right before it happens.

Sorry for bothering you with this.. I feel sheepish now that it looks like
just a disk swap issue.  Is it normal for mod_perl apache processes to
forget their shared memory when they come out of swap?

- Adi

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