> I have been digging around in the FAQ and archives for information about
> people running mod_perl on a windows box and also using Apache::DBI, but
> have come up with nothing.  I am under the impression that it is not
> going to work becase whenever I try to load up the Apache::DBI module
> apache starts up and then exists immediately leaving this in the
> error log:
> [Mon Oct 25 15:06:11 1999] file .\main\http_main.c, line 5890, assertion
> "start_mutex" failed
Build mod_perl with PERL_STARTUP_DONE_CHECK set (e.g. insert


at the top of mod_perl.h or add it to the defines in MSVC++ Options dialog).

This works for me


P.S. Let me know if this solves your problem

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