On Tue, 26 Oct 1999, Gerald Richter wrote:

> >
> > I have been digging around in the FAQ and archives for information about
> > people running mod_perl on a windows box and also using Apache::DBI, but
> > have come up with nothing.  I am under the impression that it is not
> > going to work becase whenever I try to load up the Apache::DBI module
> > apache starts up and then exists immediately leaving this in the
> > error log:
> >
> > [Mon Oct 25 15:06:11 1999] file .\main\http_main.c, line 5890, assertion
> > "start_mutex" failed
> >
> Build mod_perl with PERL_STARTUP_DONE_CHECK set (e.g. insert
> at the top of mod_perl.h or add it to the defines in MSVC++ Options dialog).

Thanks Gerald, this worked like a charm!  And thanks to everyone else for 
the input on this one.  It really helped ALOT!

Now all I have to do is rebuild perl with USE_THREADS.  I had someone else
play with getting mod_perl setup under NT and i don't think that they did
it quite right.  It seems like I only have one interpreter thread that is 
being shared by all the different apache child threads.  Does this sound 
like something that could happen if your perl binary didn't have threads 
stuff compilled in?


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