On 03-Nov-99 Gerald Richter wrote:
>> That'll work but you'll end up with an extra ampersand on the
>> end. Here map()
>> and join() are your friends:
>> [- $http_headers_out{'Location'} = q(edit.html?) . join('&',
>> map({$_=$fdat{$_}}
>> keys %fdat)) -]
> Yes, that's more elegant, but is it possible that you forgot a qq before
> {$_=$fdat{$_}}?
> ->  map(qq{$_=$fdat{$_}} keys %fdat)

Yes indeed. I really need to quit typing perl directly into my email client and
actually test it out first. Last thing this world needs is more bad perl code
floating around.

Jason Bodnar + [EMAIL PROTECTED] + Tivoli Systems

That boy wouldn't know the difference between the Internet and a hair net. --
Jason Bodnar

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