Check out Apache::SSI on CPAN.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Martin A. Langhoff) wrote:
>hi list,
>    let's say I am populating form data (when serving the form) from a
>few database fields. Now, I don't want to write embedded perl, and don't
>want to embed HTML in the code, because there are a few designers and my
>(the coder).
>    So I wrote an Include that calls the CGI. The CGI outputs XSSI
>statements (declaring variables, mainly : the variables are the output
>from the DB query). The problem, if you haven't guessed, is that the
>XSSI directives are not being parsed.
>    Is there any way to accomplish this trick? Any alternative solution
>you imagine/have?
>    Thanks!
>   - Martin Langhoff @ S C I M  Multimedia Technology -
>    -      | God is real until  -
>    - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | declared integer   -

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