On Tue, 16 Nov 1999, Ian Mahuron wrote:
> Is it me or are the Linux users having a lot of trouble installing
> Apache/mod_perl from RPMs?  If there's one thing I learned while running
> Linux, it was to build everything from source.  This was about three years
> ago.. so maybe things have gotten better.
> Anyways.. poor package management was one of my main reasons for moving from
> Linux to FreeBSD.  The ports tree rocks..  Though I still prefer to build
> Apache, Bind, and Sendmail up from source... always have.. probably always
> will.
> Before posting to the list complaining that mod_perl isn't working right...
> maybe Linux users should try building Apache/mod_perl from source to make
> shure the <insert package manager name here> packages aren't broken.

The problem seems to be the packages distributed by Red Hat, and/or the
stability of DSO. Dave's (and my hacked up) rpm should get around that.

However they're all still subject to limitations on which version of perl
you can use - thank god most people are now on 5.00503 in new distros.


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