On Nov 14,  5:00pm, Leslie Mikesell wrote:
> This means that you can't easily
> make nested sub-pages without knowing ahead of time how they
> will be used, and worse, if you get an error in step 3 of generating
> a page you can't undo the fact that steps 1 and 2 are probably already
> on the user's screen.  If the template language offers some
> flow control and logic and the ability for one 'page' to return
> a status plus a string containing it's html to another page that
> includes it then you wouldn't need a different template system
> to separate logic from layout, you would just put them in different
> pages, letting the 'code' page include the layout elements it wants.

You get this in Template Toolkit.  Basic flow control (i.e. RETURN
STOP) and the ability to FILTER template output here, there, or
wherever.  You can have a Perl program which calls on the toolkit
to render its output, or you can have a template which, on being
processed by the toolkit, loads and calls and Perl code that it
needs (via a plugin interface).

It's a slippery slope that leads both up and down.  :-)=


Andy Wardley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   Signature regenerating.  Please remain seated.
     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   For a good time: http://www.kfs.org/~abw/

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