> On Nov 15,  1:10am, Sam Tregar wrote:
> > Rather, I think that most of the simplicity of HTML::Template comes from
> > its strictly "one-way" interface.  The template file contains only
> > output-oriented structures.
> Indeed.  Embedded Perl processors are great for embedding Perl in your
> web documents.  A Template processing system (by my definition) is
> something that uses generic templates as particular views on underlying
> data.  The information system should modify and manage the data, the
> templates should just define what it looks like to the outside world.
> > Input can only come from the perl side.  I
> > think that much of the "slippery slope" refered to previously comes from
> > allowing the template file to perform processing of its own - to set
> > variables and call procedures, for example.
> Yes, in an ideal world you don't want to do any real work inside the
> template.  It is a view, not a model or controller.   That's what we
> call interface abstraction - keep the "what it looks like" away from the
> "what it is".  Then you can change what something looks like without
> touching what it is.  Or you can change how something works without
> changing what it looks like.

You can also do this with Embedding Perl processors (like HTML::Embperl,
Apache::ASP or HTML::Mason) (and that's the way I use Embperl when I have to
deal with larger projects). It's simply a matter of your own disciplin, but
you are also able create small quick and dirty pages.


Gerald Richter    ecos electronic communication services gmbh
Internetconnect * Webserver/-design/-datenbanken * Consulting

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