I've done some more digging, and found a rather bizarre explanation.  As it
turns out, if the parent .htaccess has its directive in a <Files> section and
the subdirectory doesn't, the parent will override the child.  If they're
specified the same way, the child will override the parent.

The worst part is that this is _documented_ and supposedly correct:

Seems kind of ridiculous - why should the method we use to specify behavior
have any effect on precedence?  I feel like I'm probably missing something
here, there's probably some reason for this behavior that I'm not thinking of.

In any case, it seems to make some kinds of configuration almost impossible to
achieve.  For instance, I can't figure out for the life of me how to set
directives for all files in a directory (but not its subdirectories) ending in
a certain extension.  

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ken Williams) wrote:
>I'm wondering about a precedence issue with PerlSetVar.  Suppose I have the
>following setup:
>  in docroot/.htaccess:
>      PerlSetVar Lemon Tasty
>  in docroot/dir/.htaccess:
>      PerlSetVar Lemon Sour
>Which one is supposed to be present when I request, say,
>docroot/dir/file.html? My intuition tells me that
>$r->dir_config("Lemon") should be "Sour", but experimentation is giving
>me strange results.  In some cases the subdirectory takes precedence,
>in others the parent directory does.
>What's the standard here?

  -------------------                            -------------------
  Ken Williams                             Last Bastion of Euclidity
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]                            The Math Forum

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