At 22:18 22/11/1999 -0600, Ken Williams wrote:
>But my gripe is with the following:
><Files file.html>
> PerlSetVar Lemon Tasty
>PerlSetVar Lemon Sour
>Now if I request docroot/subdir/file.html, $r->dir_config('Lemon') gives me
>'Tasty'.  It seems to me that the lower-level directory .htaccess should
>take precedence over the higher.  I think the example you give is a useful
>but the rules should really only address "tiebreaking" situations, and I think
>my example isn't a tie.

<Files> matching happens after that, so it takes precendence and as it is
propagated down the dirtree, you'll find it. In a way, it's understandable
if you consider that it is more specific than just setting a var. On the
other hand, it is totally unintuitive and looks like action at a distance.

I think the workaround would have to be to put the exact same <Files>
section in the subdirs. Yes it is a pain, but maybe mod_macro can help you
make it less so.

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