Meanwhile, back at the ranch...
> $line = <STDIN>;
> $r->print("$line\n");
> In my response, I get the entire POST content echoed back to me, where I
> only expected the first line.  If I comment out the "print" statement, I
> don't get anything echoed back (which is what I would expect).  It really
> looks like $line contains the entire content.

If there are lines in it, perhaps $/ is undef'd (haven't checked)
therefore you could prolly harmlessly do something hokey like

my $line;
  local $/="\n";
  $line = <STDIN>;

Salon Internet                
  HTTP mechanic, Perl diver, Mebwaster, Some of the above
Ian Kallen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> / AIM: iankallen / Fax: (415) 354-3326 

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