I am trying to run an script using Apache::Include, and I can't get it
to accept arguments.  Here is what I've tried:

This works fine (no args passed)

<!--#perl sub="Apache::Include" arg="/path/to/script.pl" -->

Here the args are ignored:

<!--#perl sub="Apache::Include" arg="/path/to/script.pl" arg="arg1"
arg="arg2" -->

These return nothing:

<!--#perl sub="Apache::Include" arg="/path/to/script.pl arg1 arg2" -->

<!--#perl sub="Apache::Include" arg="/path/to/script.pl\?arg1\&arg2"

This works fine using regular mod_include syntax:

<!--#exec cmd="/path/to/script.pl arg1 arg2" -->

As far as I understand, using Apache::Include is preferable over
mod_include for memory and performance reasons, but how does it accept

Also, <!--#exec cmd= seems more flexible than <!--#include virtual=.
Is there any reason to use one over the other?



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