
I've checked the archive and not found anything relevant, and I've
looked through the mod_perl docs, but it's all aimed at people who want
to write their own modules.

I'm using: Apache 1.3.9, mod_perl 1.21, Apache::DBILogger-0.93,
Apache::DBILogConfig-0.01, MySQL 3.22.27

I wonder if some kind soul could point me in the right direction?
Apache access_log correctly shows the 'bytes' sent to the client (the %b
in the LogFormat directive), but when using either DBILogger or
DBILogConfig (the former one being better than the latter IMHO), the
bytes value is zero for all proxy requests, and only set to a valid
value for accesses to the server itself, although all the other values
seem to be correctly set for both proxy and local requests.

Can anyone tell me how to turn on logging of the bytes through the proxy

Many thanks,

Brian S. Craigie
Unix Sysadmin

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