The following testcast fails under 1.20.  Basically, if there is a hash
deref inside an HREF tag, without quotes, you get the following error:

[27723]ERR: 13: Line 4: Missing right +]

If you quote the HREF or create a temporary variable to hold the hash deref
everything works fine.

What follows is the testcase cgi script and the associated template file.

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -T

use strict;
use HTML::Embperl ();
use CGI ();

use vars qw( $cgi $EMBPERL_OPTIONS );

$EMBPERL_OPTIONS    = HTML::Embperl::optRawInput;
$cgi                = new CGI;

print $cgi->header();

        inputfile   => "testcase.html",
        options     => $EMBPERL_OPTIONS,


And here is the template file:

[- $topic->{TOPICID} = "hello" -]


[# uncomment the next statement and change the hash deref in the HREF to
    to see things work with the variable version

    Note that the testcase still fails even if you do not pre-set
    $topic->{TOPICID} and its contents appear irrelevant.

[# $tmp = $topic->{TOPICID} #]

<A HREF=[+ $topic->{TOPICID} +]>Link</A>

James Sheridan-Peters
Sr. Application Developer
Community of Science
(410) 563-2378  x297

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