On 01-Dec-99 Tim DiLauro wrote:
> I noticed this behavior in Apache_1.3.6-modperl_1.21.  I worked around it
> by specifying 
>       <Location /> ... </Location> 
> before
>       <Location /frames> ... </Location>

That works for <Location> but it appears ProxyPass and <Location> do not play

Jason Bodnar + [EMAIL PROTECTED] + Tivoli Systems

In Jail Rock house Rock, he was everything Rockabilly's about.
No, I mean he is Rockabilly. Mean, Surly, Nasty, Brute.
I mean in that movie he couldn't give a ---- about nothin'.
Just rockin' and rollin', livin' fast, dying young, leavin' a good lookin'

--Clarence Worley, True Romance

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