On 3 Dec 1999, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:

> >>>>> "Scott" == Scott Chapman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Scott> I am new to Mod_Perl.  I don't know what all it's good for.  My
> Scott> question is, what do they mean by "mod_perl experience".  I can
> Scott> compile Apache with mod_perl and make emb_perl work correctly
> Scott> but I highly doubt that is all they are after.  Being new to
> Scott> this, I'd like some perspective from those more experienced.  I
> Scott> am trying to enter this field as a EmbPerl<->DBI programmer.
> Scott> Thus far, I haven't gotten into HTML too much as far as
> Scott> creating my own goes.  I have a large learning curve to climb
> Scott> here because Perl is new to me.  How far into mod_perl should I
> Scott> go?  I.e. what does it look like if you have "experience with
> Scott> mod_perl"?  What all can you do with it?
> For some people, I presume dealing only with content handlers could be
> considered as "mod_perl experience".  But mod_perl is so much more
> than the content phase.  I would laugh at someone that said they "knew
> mod_perl", but couldn't tell me most of what's in Stas' document, for
> example, or had never written a PerlTransHandler or a PerlLogHandler.
> Or worse yet, had only used Apache::Registry!
> aside - Doug did too good of a job with Apache::Registry.  So many
> people think that this is all mod_perl is and forget that
> Apache::Registry is just a stopgap while you are writing *real*
> handlers.

I slightly disagree with you. An "experienced mod_perl" person is one that
knows how to install and maintain mod_perl server, write code with
mod_perl in mind (code persistance) and perferrably with a knowledge of
performance and memory (shared) issues that are very critical for
mod_perl. Of course there are many more.

But don't forget that first of all mod_perl enables services run much much
faster, and you achieve that with Registry scripts and as Eric correctly
pointed out you can write Registry scripts in Apache-Perl API. For an
average service a Registry power is the crucial and the most important

This is correct that mod_perl isn't not Registry, and it has much more
power, but you learn it later. The newbie shouldn't be intimidated by a
new API. Let them use their old perl scripts, make them enjoy the speed
and then tell them, hey there is more things that you might want to know.
The biggest thing I love about mod_perl is that it's like Perl - you can
get things working in zero time and with a very little effort, and then
learn and deploy more sophisticated techniques and do more sophisticated

Stas Bekman  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]    www.singlesheaven.com/stas  
Perl,CGI,Apache,Linux,Web,Java,PC at  www.singlesheaven.com/stas/TULARC
www.apache.org  & www.perl.com  == www.modperl.com  ||  perl.apache.org
single o-> + single o-+ = singlesheaven    http://www.singlesheaven.com

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