At 23:19 03/12/1999 +0200, Stas Bekman wrote:
>> >There are a few logos on the site, and we can add some more (I don't know
>> >if we would manage to agree on one, though it'd give a stronger sense of
>> >"brand").
>> Right. This talk is about a commercial success. The
>> / logo represents a bridge between two
>> products (makes one think of a gadget!), not really a product. I remember my
>> first interest to Java associated with the coffee cup, or my first interest
>> to Perl associated with the camel, or even Apache's feather.
>Well, someone mentioned an eagle. How about the eagle image for an
>alternative mod_perl logo? I was thinking about hedgehog as one that
>protected from everything, exactly like mod_perl... 

I like both. If it is an eagle, we can use anything as long as it isn't a
"white-tailed eagle" the association of which with "the topic of Apache
modules" is (c) O'Reilly.

I can do graphics but I'm no good at drawing. If anyone has the opposite
skills configuration, I'm willing to take care of the (web-)graphic part.

You can tune a piano, but you can't tuna fish.

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