We've never had any candidates come in with any level of depth with
mod_perl but I'd vet their competency with it by asking them to explain
the closure problem with variables my'd under Apache::Registry.  Anyone
cognizant of those issues should presumably know how to sanely use
Registry scripts but also understand my distaste for them.  The API itself
can be easily learned, so I don't care if people have written their own

BTW, we're hiring :)  In downtown San Francisco, we publish salon.com and
we're looking for mod_perl proficiency (now that you know what that means
;), competence with XML::Parser && XML::Grove, DBI/Oracle/MySQL,
LWP, objects under Perl and in general someone who knows when to exploit
the CPAN and when to build.  Also java servlet && jdbc API's (no comments
from the peanut gallery, OK?) familiarity.  Must think HTML::Mason is way
cool!  If this is you, I want to see your resume!

Today, Eric Cholet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> frothed and gesticulated about...:

> Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
> > For some people, I presume dealing only with content handlers could be
> > considered as "mod_perl experience".  But mod_perl is so much more
> > than the content phase.  I would laugh at someone that said they "knew
> > mod_perl", but couldn't tell me most of what's in Stas' document, for
> > example, or had never written a PerlTransHandler or a PerlLogHandler.
> > Or worse yet, had only used Apache::Registry!
> > 
> > aside - Doug did too good of a job with Apache::Registry.  So many
> > people think that this is all mod_perl is and forget that
> > Apache::Registry is just a stopgap while you are writing *real*
> > handlers.
> Many people make the distinction between Apache::Registry being for
> mod_cgi compatible scripts, and "real" handlers taking full power of
> the Apache API. The truth is that an Apache::Registry script can also
> use the Apache API and completely disregard CGI compatibility.
> When I write a new application, I often write content handlers as
> registry scripts, because of the ease of use (no need to restart the
> server when changed), then it's easy to wrap a "sub handler" around the
> script to turn into a "real" handler.
> --
> Eric

Salon Internet                          http://www.salon.com/
  HTTP mechanic, Perl diver, Mebwaster, Some of the above
Ian Kallen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> / AIM: iankallen / Fax: (415) 354-3326 

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